Muscle Your Way Through Menopause
Okay ladies, jogging, spinning and aerobic classes are great. But in order to maintain and increase your muscle mass after 40, weight training is a non negotiable.
Women naturally start to lose muscle mass after menopause, unless you take steps to reverse it. Building muscle can increase what’s known as your basal metabolic rate, the amount of energy your body needs to keep working when you’re not moving. This energy is used for things like maintaining your body temperature, keeping your heart beating, and breathing. So, building muscle can help you burn more calories, which can help with weight control.
It is recommended that you do strength training a minimum of 2 times per week. Weight training will also improve your bone density as you age which is your best defense against osteoporosis.
New to weight training? Consider hiring a personal trainer for a few months to educate you on the fundamentals of good form, frequency, intensity and recovery.