Help Him Overcome His Fear of the Physical
Two-thirds of male respondents in a recent survey said that they avoid going to the doctor as long as possible, and 37 percent said they withhold information from their doctors. In classic George Lopez fashion, many men blow off loving nudges from family and friends to go to the doctor because after all “they got this”!! But the sad reality is that without annual doctor visits and the necessary preventative screenings, the funny alpha male tag line could suddenly turn into a tragic pronouncement of a chronic condition that could have been prevented. Learn how you can support him in getting the preventative care that he needs.
1. Identify the Root of Reservation: It could be fear that the doctors finds something serious. Men often mask fear with false masculinity and bravado. Try to get him to open up.
2. Talk to a Family Member: It is possible that the man in your life has very negative associations with doctors and hospitals because of a childhood trauma. Talking with family may offer some insight. If this is the case, you will need to go slowly and see if you can hep him process that trauma and get past it.
3. Enlist the Support of a Male Friend: If the man in your life has a male friend that he respects, you may want to enlist his support. If he has an embarrassing health concern that he is avoiding, he may be more willing to talk with a male friend than with his wife or children.
4. Seek Out a Doctor with Similar Background: Research suggests that men of color are much more comfortable seeing a doctor of color than a Caucasian physician. While you may see this as a superficial criteria for selecting a doctor, the most important thing is that he feels comfortable and actually goes regularly.
5. Strike While Iron is Hot: If you are successful getting him to agree to go, you have to move quickly before he changes his mind. Scheduling an appointment with his doctor will likely require a one or two week wait time. Consider taking him to an urgent care facility instead for a physical. You may have to pay out of pocket but no appointment is necessary, the fee can be paid in installments and all of his medical records can be sent to his primary care physician upon request.
If his doctor recommends a fitness training program, we’d love to help. If he is over 65, check out our senior fitness page to see how we help our clients stay fit and healthy for life.