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(888) 323-8677

Exercise and Allergies

Don’t Let Allergies Interrupt Your Exercise Program!

Spring is here with its pastel colors, blooming foliage, and of course, those annoying allergies. Many people will begin their yearly ritual of sniffling, coughing and sneezing during this time of the year, because spring-related allergens are believed to affect as many as 35 million Americans.

I know from personal experience how tough it can be to exercise with allergy symptoms like itchy watery eyes and a stuffy nose. Follow these guidelines to make sure your allergies don’t force you to take an unwelcome break from your exercise program.

1) Pay Attention to Pollen Count

Most allergies during spring are caused by the release of pollen, and symptoms may be even more intense during windy days when pollen is carried through the air.

If you suffer from extreme allergies, consult sources like The Weather Channel ( before you exercise. Search for the Pollen Forecast in your area, and avoid exercising outdoors, on days when the Pollen Forecast is “High” or “Very High”.

2) Ask Your Doctor About Allergy Medication

For many people, allergies can take on severe forms, like bronchitis and asthma.  If this sounds like you, talk to your doctor about over-the-counter and prescription medications that may help you better manage your allergy symptoms.

Who knows? Perhaps a regular dose of doctor-recommended allergy medication could be the key to maintaining your exercise program year round!

3) Consider Exercising In Your Home

This is the time of the year, when an In-Home Personal Fitness Trainer makes the most sense. You don’t have to take a break from exercising. Simply work out under the supervision of a skilled fitness trainer in the allergen-free environs of your home!

Need Help?

If you need more support in developing a healthier lifestyle, we can help.

Your BeneFit Personal Trainer will come right to your home, when it’s most convenient for you. We’ll take you through balanced, personalized workouts designed to help you reach your fitness goals — safely and quickly.

You don’t need to own any exercise equipment.  Your certified personal trainer will bring everything you need to lose weight, tone up, increase your energy level and improve your health.

We’ll also help you with meal planning and check in with you in between your in-home sessions to keep you on track when your trainer is not with you.

Call us today at (888) 323-8677 if you’re ready to take the first step toward a healthier and more vibrant you!

BeneFit Personal Training
Affordable Fitness At Home!
(888) 323-8677

*You should always talk to your doctor before you make significant changes in your eating habits or start an exercise program.
*Every individual is unique. Your results and progress may not be the same as our other clients. Results vary based on your starting weight, activity level, eating habits and your adherence to our program.


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