Work From Home Fitness Tips
Prioritize Your Exercise
Add your three- day- a- week plan to your schedule. The busier you are the more critical it is to take this step. Be careful not to schedule other things over this time. Ask anyone who has been successful on a fitness program and they will tell you that consistency was the most important variable.
Get Outside
Just because you work from home doesn’t mean that you need to become a hermit. Engage in outdoor activities several times a week. Not only is the fresh air good for your heart and lungs but getting sufficient sun is critical to good health. Consider starting a walking club with some of your near by co-workers or friends who are also working from home. It will be good for you physically and emotionally as well.
Be Prepared for Those Snack Attacks
Now that you are working from home, there will be greater temptation to snack and eat more often than you would at the office. Creating an environment of health and wellness in your home is vital. Limit the amount of sweets and processed foods that you bring into the home and keep them out of view. Keep a bowl of fresh fruit in the center of your kitchen table so that when you walk into the kitchen that is the first thing that you see. It is also a visual reminder of the healthy lifestyle that you want to encourage in your home.
Give Your Back a Break
When you are working from home it easy to lose track of time and sit for longer periods of time than you would in the office. But you should realize that your body needs to be in motion That is the way your body was designed. Extended sitting could lead to back pain and other chronic health conditions. Do not allow yourself to be stationary for more than one hour at a time. Try standing while talking on the phone will colleagues. If you are on a conference call and don’t need to speak squeeze in a mini workout while you listen.
Don’t Forget to Hydrate
Many clients tell us that they go for hours consumed with projects and often forget to eat or drink for long periods of time. Eating regularly is important but staying hydrated is vital. Water is an important part of all body functions and processes, including digestion and elimination. When you’re trying to slim down, water also acts as a weight-loss aid because it can help you eat less and hydrates your body without unwanted calories. Fill a large pitcher with water and have a goal of consuming all of the water by the end of the day.
Consider Working with a Personal Trainer
Working with a certified trainer is a wonderful way to stay in shape while working from home. A BeneFit trainer will tailor a personalized program for you based on your needs, abilities and interests. If you would like the assistance of a personal trainer to help you stay strong, fit and healthy while you work from home, give us a call at 888-323-8677.