5 Ways to Avoid the Quarantine 15
Experts say that many Americans have gained between 10-15 lbs during the quarantine. See you can stay lean or even lose weight at home.
- Maintain a Routine: It doesn’t have to be strict but having a list of tasks or goals to accomplish with a general time frame in which to complete them will keep you organized and motivated. Your routine should ideally include an hour of sustained exercise or physical activity such as walking, swimming, yoga or even gardening. You can contact BeneFit Personal Training for some additional suggestions or learn more about our in home personal training services.
- Stay Connected Virtually: Staying at home can make you feel disconnected from those you love, but there are plenty of ways to stay connected. Use FaceTime, Skype, and Zoom to stay in contact with family and friends. If you know people with similar fitness goals keep in touch and hold each other accountable.
- Practice Mindful Eating: Many people eat mindlessly allowing emotions and boredom dictate when and what they eat. Learn to slow down and listen to your body when you are eating. Planning your meals ahead of time can provide structure for your eating schedule. With meal prepping you will be less inclined to over or under eat.
- Learn Something New: Avoid falling into a mentally and physically sedentary lifestyle by participating in activities you enjoy or explore something new. Take an online class, try yoga or pick up a new language or hobby.
- Be Aware of Your Moods: When we are sad or stressed many of us cope with food or alcohol. Prioritize your mental health and ensure that self care is part of your daily life. If you find yourself struggling, reach out to a friend, family member, or therapist. Take time to de-stress, drink water and get enough sleep. Exercise is another excellent way to reduce stress.
Article written by Logan Ritter. Logan is a writer and content development specialist.