The all too common expression, “going downhill” has become ingrained into the American psyche, so much so that many seniors believe that becoming frail and decrepit is a natural part of the aging process. However, the research and our experience providing in-home personal fitness training to seniors suggests otherwise.

What The Experts Are Saying

While the body does change over time, many of the symptoms that we associate with old age — such as weakness,  loss of balance and frailty– are actually symptoms of inactivity not age, says Alicia I. Arbaje, MD, MPH, assistant professor of Geriatrics and Gerontology at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore. 

We all learned in physics class that an object at rest, stays at rest and an object in motion, stays in motion. Motion, or exercise in this instance, plays a vital role in maintaining your strength, mobility and vitality as you age. It’s no coincidence that seniors such as Chuck Norris, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Suzanne Somers are enjoying healthy, active lifestyles well into their 60’s and 70s. What they all have in common is a shared belief in the power and importance of exercise in achieving longevity, health and lifelong wellness.

Exercise: Your Fountain of Youth* 

Exercise can help make you stronger, prevent bone loss, improve balance and coordination, lift your mood, and lower your risk for chronic conditions such as heart disease and diabetes.  Working with an in-home personal trainer for seniors can provide the guided instruction, motivation and accountability required to help you realize these benefits.* Recent studies released by the  Alzheimer’s Association suggest that exercise can even boost memory and help prevent dementia by increasing blood and oxygen flow in the brain. *

In their book titled, “Younger Next Year”, Crowly and Lodge explain the distinctions between medical care and health care and what contributes most to longevity and quality of life, information you won’t likely get from your doctor. They explain that:  

  • 1. 70 percent of premature deaths is lifestyle related not a natural part of the aging process
  • 2. Aging is biologically programmed to be a very slow process versus a rapid decline
  • 3. Resisting natural decline is possible if you commit to three disciplines: good nutrition, meaningful engagement with life and DAILY exercise 

If you like the idea of being younger next year and want to make it a reality, let our at home personal trainers for seniors design a plan for you that’s fun, achievable and effective. Let us help you age gracefully and regain the strength and confidence they may have lost over the years. Call 888-323-8677 Ext. 705 to speak with a team member.

*Every individual is unique. Your results and progress may not be the same as our other clients. Results vary based on your starting weight, activity level, eating habits and your adherence to our program.


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